Dream big.

Grant funding opens doors. Let’s start dreaming together.

When your ideas are bigger than your budget,

Get a grant writer.

Public land management and acquisition, sustainable agriculture, outdoor and environmental education programming all come with big price tags.

I keep tabs on who is funding these projects, what makes a winning application and what other people in Colorado are doing in the field- so you don’t have to! I work with the Colorado Open Space Alliance (COSA) to make sure I know what the latest statewide projects are and help you get plugged in. I have also served as a peer reviewer with Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) so I know what makes or breaks big applications.

Partnerships and Pathways

The best grant applications are a journey that includes you, some partners and a strong relationship with the funding organization. My first step is to make those connections so you start strong.

Each project is unique, so I offer free 30 minute consultations to provide you with a custom proposal.

My Process

  • Phase One

    I work with you to hone your project- timeframe, stakeholders, cost.

  • Phase Two

    I identify potential partners to help achieve your goals- grant opportunities, other agencies, non-profits and businesses who can provide cash or in-kind services.

  • Phase Three

    I write! Story telling in the form of grant applications, sponsorship solicitations and website updates can all be included in a grant package.